
Stefan Krzepek


Stefan Krzepek holds the position as a Partner in CFFGI’s Berlin office in Germany. He has more than 11 years of extensive experience in consulting and interim management in the field of Finance Optimization. He is supporting his clients in the biotechnology, technology, renewable energies, asset management, real estate and manufacturing industries in their different phases of growth.

Stefan is characterized by his profound, industry-independent knowledge of software driven consolidation, planning and reporting processes. By using the rollout of the CPM Platform LucaNet, Stefan supports decision-makers worldwide to enhance the speed of preparation and improvement of transparency in the generation of their financial and non-financial statements. This involves reporting requirements from both a legal and management perspective for a broad range of stakeholders.

Before joining PAS, he held a leading management position at LucaNet AG. He established and led the way to grow of the consolidation advisory team and supported LucaNet partners in complex customer projects. Stefan started his career at PWC Berlin where he was part of the audit team for three years. He holds a diploma in economics and teaching from the University of Leipzig.

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