
Day 1 Highlights | 2023 AICPA & CIMA Conference on Current SEC and PCAOB Developments

CFGI just concluded Day 1 of the AICPA Conference on Current SEC and PCAOB Developments and it’s off to a great start! Some key takeaways include:

The Statement of Cash Flows: 
A standout feature of Day 1 was the simultaneous release of a statement by Paul Munter, Chief Accountant for the office of the Chief Accountant at the SEC, on the Statements of Cash Flows. It highlights the importance of the statement of cash flows and its standing as of equal importance to a complete set of financial statements and information available to investors. Businesses should provide the same level of “rigor and attention” when preparing the statement of cash flows. The outcome is heightened transparency and accuracy in financial disclosures.

SEC’s Final Rule on Cybersecurity:
In an era dominated by digital threats, the SEC took a proactive stance in the final rule on cybersecurity. This regulatory update replaces implicit directives with explicit and comprehensive guidance for disclosure. As cyber threats evolve, the significance of cybersecurity risks to businesses, as well as their importance in investment decisions, cannot be overstated.

SEC’s Focus on SPACs and Backstop Agreements:
The SEC has commented on observations they have made regarding backstop agreements entered into by SPACs and the appropriate accounting considerations for the underlying instruments. As many of the arrangements include unique or novel terms, issuers are encouraged to fully assess the nature of the agreements in line with accounting guidance and should bring the analysis to their accounting advisors.

As the conference progresses, attendees eagerly anticipate further revelations that will shape the future of accounting and finance. Stay tuned for ongoing updates and a deeper exploration of regulatory advancements in the days ahead.

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